Attainable adventure cruising A40 : projet de 40' offshore KISS à prix raisonnable


en english encore une fois, désolé, mais ...

je suis depuis un moment ce projet sur ce merveilleux site de voyage "attainable adventure cruising" ou "morganscloud", voici l'adresse des différents posts sur le sujet :[...]ure-40/

Il s'agit de dessiner et construire un bon 40' simple, rapide, confortable, réellement prèt et pensé pour la nav offshore, pour moins de 200.000usd, utopie ou réalité ?

en résumé ici :

Lately, I have been thinking and worrying about how hard it is these days for newcomers to get into our sport, pastime, lifestyle, passion, or whatever you want to call offshore voyaging.

the real problem is the difficulty in acquiring a good, safe and comfortable offshore boat at a price that does not require the buyer to be seriously rich.
Sure, there are lots of old boats out there for sale at reasonable prices, but when you start to look for a decent offshore boat, the list gets shorter, a lot shorter. And then, even if they do find a good older boat, how does a newbie go about refitting it, which most older boats will need?

what we really need in the offshore voyaging world is a simple, fast, comfortable and safe new boat at an affordable price—a Model T voyaging boat

22 fév. 2013
05 jan. 2014

le designer et constructeur est désigné !
l'aventure est vraiment lançée ...[...]pening/[...]ture-40

01 juin 2014

et la coque prend forme ... à 42 pieds,[...]design/

Cabo Sao Vicente

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Cabo Sao Vicente