Danger, y'a pas qu'en Somalie et Am latine

Je viens juste d'apprendre qu'il y eu abordage et assasinat d'un skipper anglais en Thailande, sur la cote ouest, au sud-ouest de Phukket.

Si meme la les pirates/meurtriers s'invitent, ben je sais pas comment je vais planifier mon retour en bateau en France depuis la Thailande, ca va finir par etre tres complique


En tout cas, toutes mes condoleances a cette famille.

17 avr. 2009
17 avr. 2009

Métastases !
L'autre jour, je regardais un reportage d'Al Jazeerah sur les détroits d'Indonésie, longtemps la zone maritime la moins sûre, et qui aujourd'hui fait figure de zone de transit paisible à côté de la Somalie.
La piraterie y a été réduite de plus de 90% grâce à des méthodes musclées mais efficaces, traduisant la volonté des états riverains d'en finir avec ce fléau...
Seulement voilà, la piraterie c'est comme le cancer. Quand une tumeur est réduite, il n'est pas rare qu'elle provoque des métastastes, d'autant que la Thaïlande agitée par des soubresauts politiques ne fait sûrement pas de la luttre contre la criminalité maritime sa priorité.

17 avr. 2009

il s'agissait d'esclaves birmans qui s'étaient échappés d'un bateau de
peche thai
une aggression sauvage
Cruiser Murdered in Thailand
March 25, 2009 – Buntang Islands, Thailand

(Click on the photo to enlarge it.)
Malcolm Robertson, 64, was murdered by young pirates in Thailand. His wife Linda, 57, survived her ordeal with minor injuries.
Photo Courtesy Mr. Bean
© 2009 Latitude 38 Publishing Co., Inc.

British cruisers Malcolm and Linda Robertson were anchored off the Buntang Islands in southern Thailand on Monday when three hammer- and machete-wielding pirates reportedly boarded their 44-ft steel Bruce Roberts cutter Mr. Bean. According to news reports, the teenage Burmese migrant fishermen claim that they were fleeing slave-like conditions on a Thai fishing boat and only wanted to steal the couple's dinghy. That doesn't explain why they went below decks, where Linda, 57, reports they were confronted by Malcolm, 64. "I heard my husband shouting, 'Get off my boat,'" recalled a distraught Linda. "I heard a scuffle and did not hear any more."

Linda recalls the trio tying her up and locking her in the aft cabin, while they motored the boat north. After a few hours, the boys needed to transfer fuel so they brought Linda out of the cabin. "I think this was the first time I realized Malcolm might be dead," she reported to the Daily Mail. "As I walked through the boat, I realized I was walking through his blood."

Linda recalls that the pirates stopped the boat and began ransacking it. She heard movements as if something heavy was being moved from the boat, later understanding that they'd thrown her husband's body overboard. At that point, Linda tried to escape but her captors just tied her up more tightly.

Mr. Bean was boarded while anchored in the Bungtang Island group near the border of Malaysia.
© 2009 Google Earth

After several more hours of motoring, the boat stopped. Linda said the pirates moved her to a different cabin and then boarded the dinghy. "I managed to free myself and get out onto the deck," she said. She knew the dinghy motor would die so she hauled Mr. Bean's anchor and began motoring away, just as the pirates began paddling back toward her.

Linda managed to maneuver Mr. Bean next to a local fishing boat, whose operators then called for the police. Linda told them where to find the pirates, and officials quickly had them in custody. According to reports, they readily admitted their guilt.

The Robertsons, married for 24 years, had been cruising for the last decade, and had cruised Thailand for the last three seasons. "The Thai people have been very kind," Linda says. "They are lovely people and we do not blame them for all this."

18 avr. 2009

vers Mallacca
c'est loin d'être l'industrie de piraterie de la Somalie. C'est plus des délinquants locaux, comme il y en a surement un peu partout.

 Lismore entre Oban et Kyle of Lochash

Phare du monde

  • 4.5 (83)

Lismore entre Oban et Kyle of Lochash