prix canal de corinthe pour un cata de 38 pieds

Bonjour à tous,

Non je n'ai pas acheté de cata, mais des copains oui !

Et j'aurais besoins assez vite de connaitre le prix du passage du canal de Corinthe.

Il s'agit d'un Athéna 38 de 11m60 par 6.m40.

Merci par avance de votre réponse rapide, les copains !

Thierry, sur Troll

24 sept. 2015
24 sept. 2015

j avais payé en 2014 150€ pour un 38 mais monocoque

24 sept. 2015

Désolé c'est en Anglais
Mais je suppose que si tu vas pas là, tu le parles


Désolé c'est an Anglais
Mais je suppose que si tu vas par là tu dois le parler


The cut is too narrow for ships to pass each other, so one must get permission to proceed. All vessels should contact the Isthmia control tower on VHF channel 11 before entering the canal in order to find out what time to be at the canal entrance. There are waiting areas at both ends. Pilotage is not compulsory.

Yachts follow the commercial ships, which are taken through by tug. Do not follow too closely in order to avoid the prop wash.

Payment can only be made at the Isthmia side (Eastern) where small yachts can dock, and should bring their documents to the Customers Service Dept., located in the basement of the Control Tower. Payment can be made either in cash or by credit card.

Fees (April 2013) are based on length and are as follows:-

Less than 6 meters: 50 Euros
From 6 to 9 meters: 80 Euros
From 9.01 to 15 meters: 80 Euros + (L.O.A. - 9)* 23
From 15.01 to 25 meters: 80 Euros + (L.O.A. - 9)* 25
More than 25 meters: 80 Euros + (L.O.A. - 9)* 27

On top of these fees VAT might apply, at time of writing 23%.
The online form for computing transit fees ([...]tor.php ) automatically includes VAT.

Only vessels requesting a tug have to pay a surcharge.

Private yachts both Greek and foreign pay the same amount; however Greek yachts (private & charter) registered in Isthmia, Loutraki and Corinth pay a lower fee.

A vessel can only enter the canal when a permit has been granted by the Canal Service. The canal now has red above green lights on both port and starboard side of the canal at both ends.

By day and night: a green light is shown when entry is permitted, and a red light when entry is not permitted (but only after verbal permission to enter has been granted). Usually you will join a convoy which has large ships at the head.

Port Authorities (East side)
Tel:+30 27410 30880, Fax no. +30 27410 30884
Canal website
VHF channel 11

The canal is nominally closed on a Tuesdays (06:00 to 18:00) , whether this happens can depend on the amount of traffic.

Last updated August 2014.
Current Tolls[...]les.php


At the western entrance of the canal, Corinth Yacht Harbour is to the SW. This is the best berth for yachts under 20m. Larger yachts must contact the Port Authorities on VHF 12 or 16 to obtain permission to berth in the commercial harbour. See comments at bottom of page re. latest information on berthing here.

Korfos, SE of Corinth at 37ºN45.856 023ºE07.514, is a nice enclosed bay, good to anchor with clean swimming water. The local government also run a little jetty here.

Last updated August 2014.

Corinth Canal (Eastern Entrance)

It is particularly difficult to berth here, especially if freeboard is low, as the jetty is on tall stilt piles. It is better at the eastern end where there is at least a cross beam to moor against, though you might have to ignore the gesticulating Port Police to do it!.
Larger yachts can request a pilot boat to come out with the paperwork.
There is an anchorage in Ormos Kalamaki, just north of the entrance, although this is quite deep until close inshore (see comment at bottom of page).
You may pay with cash or credit card.

Beware of the strain on the mooring ropes when a large ship passes - it may be advisable to wait away from the canal entrance.

Corinth Canal (Western Entrance)

Tel:+30 (0)741 37700 ,VHF Channel 11

Phone to check opening hours and then call on VHF on approach. Missing your convoy can involve a 2 hour wait. Yachts follow the commercial ships, which are taken through by tug.
Dangerous to moor alongside inner quay running NW-SE as unmarked rocks.

Within the yacht harbour, DO NOT berth alongside the inner quay as there are unmarked rocks and there is a tidal range of about 0.8m here at springs.

Payment is made at the eastern end.

Corinth Yacht Harbour

Small harbour with good shelter alongside wooden pontoons or bows/stern-to the quay. Water on middle pier (long hose needed). Limited space for larger yachts. Fuel can be delivered to boat or fetched from the fuel station in town.
Within the yacht harbour, DO NOT berth alongside the inner quay as there are unmarked rocks and there is a tidal range of about 0.8m here at springs. The middle pier also has shallow depths.

24 sept. 201516 juin 2020

12,98 m 208 € , pas de différence cata monocoque.
Camille a bien déblayé le terrain, bravo.
Le mardi , fermeture, mais on peut tel pour connaître l'heure de réouverture,c'est ainsi que je suis passé un mardi à 15 H.
C'est sympa comme passage, bien qu'un peu trop cher.......
La vue du ciel est nettement moins sympa.
Belles nav.

24 sept. 2015

177€ en 2014 pour un 40 "
dis leur de se dépêcher a passer avant qu'il soit privatiser !! :mdr:

24 sept. 2015

Grand grand merci pour vos réponses. Je n'en attendais pas moins de vous!

Pas de différence cata/mono : très très bonne nouvelle !

Ben ça a pas beaucoup augmenté depuis notre passage en 2009 !

Merci encore

24 sept. 2015

Salut Grietick, après avoir vu si souvent votre site , a great pleasure de vous donner une info utile , continuez...

2013-07-25 - Vaeroy (Norvège)

Phare du monde

  • 4.5 (169)

2013-07-25 - Vaeroy (Norvège)