Rectangular fender made of foam + tarpaulin ?.


anyone have any feedback on the making of foam fenders covered with "truck" tarpaulin and strap reinforcements.
This type of fender is becoming common and it is easy to recover the foam. Ideas for finding tarpaulin (not necessarily new?)

Difficulty of realization (time, past, equipment, machine type sailrite?), Resistance in time ?

I was wondering if a realization with little seam in the form of an envelope closed by a few eyelets would do ?


14 fév. 2021
14 fév. 2021

hello, I have the same idea but the foam is very expensive specially in big thickness so I abandon the project if you have a good source for that kind of foam? regards

14 fév. 2021

EVA foam should be convenient without any cover

Brandan:What is "EVA" foam and where can we find this kind of foam ? Have you a link ?·le 14 fév. 2021 11:02
Mécaflu:ethylene-vinyl acetate·le 15 fév. 2021 05:15
Brandan:@Mecaflu Thanks·le 15 fév. 2021 08:31
14 fév. 2021

Why using those fenders? Too expensive, need too much room for storage, scrapping not rolling on the hull and not very résistant in rought condition, maybe you and your thoughtful crew are sailing a pretty yacht in a exclusive marina?

14 fév. 2021

Voir du coté des tapis de sport Decath et autre mousses cellules fermées polyéthylène...

14 fév. 202114 fév. 2021

Quand je vais (souvent) sur un forum UK pour échanger, je fais l'effort d'écrire dans la langue du forum, en m'aidant - si besoin - de google traduction. C'est la moindre des politesses.

Quand à ceux qui se la pètent à répondre en anglais sur un forum français, c'est limite pathétique...

rapanui:oh please shut up will you? At least these kind fellow sailors here are trying to help!You my friend are just a keyboard bully in search of your 1 minute of fame! BRAVO you've gotten our attention. You are a despicable typical intenet troll!Now crawl back to the hole from whence you came from! As you await your other victims to bully... i will be watching you , and i would not stop putting you in your place! I would not tolerate a keyboard bully to harass people! Have a most enjoyable day in your hole you troll!·le 14 fév. 2021 12:39
Fregoli:D'ailleurs, sur un forum de voile, il devrait être interdit de parler une autre langue que le breton...·le 14 fév. 2021 18:35
Fregoli:Enfin , le basque est pas mal aussi...·le 14 fév. 2021 18:36
Brandan:Gwir eo, Fregoli. A-du ganit !·le 14 fév. 2021 18:51
Louarn:What is your point ?Is this place not a place to discuss, regardless who your are and where your are from ?Do you pick up also people with bad french wording ?I agree on the point that a double message (english / french) can be apreciated, but with a google translate, many words/ideas can be wrongly translated.·le 15 fév. 2021 10:47
Fabien83:+1 pour Schnaps. Je suis bien du même avis, tant au sujet du message initial que des réponses. Les bien-pensants devraient aller ouvrir un fil en français sur un forum UK ou américain pour essayer... Répondre au message de Schnaps en anglais, fallait y penser... ·le 15 fév. 2021 17:17
14 fév. 2021

Why don't you try making one and let us know the results? It would seem that tarpaulins, even heavy-duty ones, might not last long in boat/pier encounters, where chafe is a major issue. Truckers worry about keeping their cargo dry and the wind beating their covers to shreds if they're not well attached. Chafe is a minor issue for them; they simply cinch the covers tight so nothing moves. Hard to tie a boat down so it doesn't move. What kind of foam works for this kind of application? Does something that tough actually need a cover? Perhaps used tires would work better, and a cover would make them look presentable. Voilà!

15 fév. 202115 fév. 2021

Bonjour, pour les grincheux, un autre fil sur le sujet (en français),
vous pourrez alors donner votre avis sur la question posée dans dévier du sujet ;-))

Hello, I asked the same question a few months ago, nobody answered he already made one...[...]s-bache

And another idea on this topic , use PVC from an old life raft[...]-survie

I suppose you already had a look on US/UK forums? Any feedback?

15 fév. 2021

Probably little/no feedback from US forums. Making fenders out of foam covered with old truck tarps is NOT a thing over here.

15 fév. 2021

Un extrait de la charte du forum :
"Certains contributeurs, en particulier étrangers, ont des difficultés à maitriser le français : ces difficultés sont acceptées sans restriction. Elles ne doivent faire hésiter personne à intervenir."

Il semble que alexsunny123 comprend très bien le français et qu'il a pris cette phrase au pied de la lettre...

01 mars 2021

By alexsunny

anyone have any feedback on the making of foam fenders covered with "truck" tarpaulin and strap reinforcements.
This type of fender is becoming common and it is easy to recover the foam. Ideas for finding
tarpaulin (not necessarily new?)

Difficulty of realization (time, past, equipment, machine type sailrite?), Resistance in time ?

I was wondering if a realization with little[...][...][...][...] seam in the form of an envelope closed by a few >eyelets would do ?


thanks my issue has been fixed.

totor:So? How did you manage?·le 01 mars 2021 17:21
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