Guo Chan sur l'ancien Idec de Joyon, disparu dans le Pacifique

Le navigateur Chinois Guo Chan, en tentative de record transpacifique (SF Shanghai), porté disparu :
Le bateau ne répond plus, la GV a été vue par avion à côté du bateau, mais pas le skipper :[...]sing-2/

26 oct. 2016
26 oct. 2016

Un article sur le site de la BBC :[...]7779733

En lien sur sa page facebook :[...]ailing/

26 oct. 2016
26 oct. 2016

Bizarre je ne me rappelle pas du tout avoir écrit "équipier sur l'ancien Idec de Joyon", mais juste "sur l'ancien Idec de Joyon" (qu'il a racheté), les modos éditent les messages ici ?

26 oct. 2016

En fait ça n'est pas la GV qui est à l'eau, mais une voile d'avant :[...]q95.jpg[...]y.lasso

Ca sent le MOB tout ça, hélas :(
(surtout si aucun message à propos d'un problème)

26 oct. 2016
27 oct. 2016
27 oct. 2016

dernieres nouvelles:
11.30am, 27 OCT, Guo's shore team received updates from MRCC. Crew of USS Mankin Island has visited the boat but did not find Guo. They collected all Guo's belongings aboard for his family. They lowered the mainsail around 11.50am. Search and rescue is continuing on the sea.

27 oct. 2016

Mauvaises nouvelles :

HONOLULU — The Coast Guard suspended the active search Wednesday evening for a Chinese mariner who was unreported while sailing his 97-foot super trimaran across the Pacific.

Guo Chuan, 50, remains missing.

"Mr. Chuan was a professional mariner with a deep passion for sailing," said Capt. Robert Hendrickson, chief of response, Coast Guard 14th District. "Our thanks to our Navy partners who helped us search for this vessel in a timely manner so far from shore in an attempt to locate Mr. Chuan. Our deepest condolences go out not only to his family and friends but also to his racing team and the sailing community."

Coast Guard HC-130 Hercules crews conducted six search patterns in the vicinity of the Quindao China and its charted course following notification of the situation Tuesday and into Wednesday. The USS Makin Island deployed an MH-60 Seahawk helicopter Wednesday once they were in range to attempt contact with Chuan. Their hails over the radio went unanswered and weather conditions prevented safe deployment of a rescue swimmer to the vessel. They followed up by deploying a rigid-hulled inflatable boat and crew to conduct a boarding of the trimaran Wednesday afternoon. The boatcrew confirmed Chuan was not on the vessel although his life jacket remains aboard.

Weather on scene was reportedly 23 mph winds, seas to 5-feet with good visibility and scattered clouds.

On-scene assets searched a total area of more than 4,600 square miles over the two-day period.

Involved in the search were:
- HC-130 Hercules airplane crews from Coast Guard Air Station Barbers Point
- USS Makin Island (LHD 8) homeported out of San Diego
- Navy MH-60 Seahawk helicopter crew attached to the USS Makin Island

The Quindao China remains adrift, the mainsail has been doused and the vessel has been marked. A broadcast notice to mariners alerting vessel crews in the area to the potential hazard to navigation has been issued. Chuan’s racing team is making arrangements to recover the vessel.

Tuesday morning, watchstanders at the Coast Guard Joint Rescue Coordination Center Honolulu received notification from Maritime Rescue Coordination Center China personnel that the vessel Qingdao China, with one person aboard, had not been heard from for 24 hours prompting the response.
The Makin Island is an amphibious assault ship attached to the Makin Island Amphibious Ready Group and 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit that departed Naval Station San Diego for a scheduled deployment, Oct. 14, to provide maritime security operations, crisis response capability, theater security cooperation and forward naval presence in the Pacific.

Je ne suis pas sur si cela veut dire qu'ils arrêtent pour la nuit ou définitivement ...

27 oct. 2016

ben c'est clair, arrêt des recherches actives

"The Coast Guard suspended the active search "

27 oct. 2016

Ca fait un peu tôt pour tout arrêter quand même, l'eau est chaude à cet endroit, et en plus avec le tracker des données assez précises doivent être disponibles, mais hélas effectivement cela semble être le cas ...

27 oct. 2016
27 oct. 2016
27 oct. 2016
27 oct. 2016
27 oct. 2016
27 oct. 2016
27 oct. 2016

Et hypothèses sur l'accident sur le site de Guo Chan :[...]ail.php

A propos, à votre avis quelle est la proportion des skipper solo (sur record, vendée globle, ou autre) qui s'accrochent s'harnachent pour aller à l'avant ?

27 oct. 2016

Je pense même pas la moitié et sur un tri encore moins... Ils onr retrouvé son gilet.. à bord...

27 oct. 2016

Et vous sur multi!!! Moi, jamais.

27 oct. 201627 oct. 2016

Sur la video ci dessous on le voit au départ de San Francisco, sans harnais bien sur, en plus l'avant de cet IDEC (v2) doit être assez "chaud" ...[...]ue_news

Par contre ci dessous ils disent qu'ils s'harnachaient pour aller à l'avant sur Groupama :[...]-3.html

27 oct. 2016
27 oct. 2016
27 oct. 2016

J ai ecrit en chinois sur le precedent post mais ca ne fonctionne pas.
c etait simplement un point de heo un en memoire chuan guo

27 oct. 2016
27 oct. 2016
27 oct. 2016
27 oct. 2016
27 oct. 2016
28 oct. 201628 oct. 2016
28 oct. 2016

L'équipe de Guo Chan veut continuer les recherches :

Guo Chuan Racing does not prepare to give up rescuing Guo Chuan. We are looking for ships having a platform to land aircrafts and charge fuel near Hawaii.
If you have any information about that, please send email to
Thanks a lot for your kindness in advance.
We really need help. SOS.


30 oct. 2016
Phare Saint-Louis, situé sur le musoir du môle Saint-Louis à Sète

Phare du monde

  • 4.5 (18)

Phare Saint-Louis, situé sur le musoir du môle Saint-Louis à Sète